Grab 1 skein Malabrigo Rasta and 2 circular needles (US 13 & 15). The gauge is about 12 stitches/6″ and about 10 rows/3″ for those who care. The color used here is Sunset, which makes the hat, when worn extended, look like a half-baked butternut squash. Perfection!

Bottom Rib: Cast on 30 with the 13 circs, rib in the round (knit 2 then purl 1) 10 rows.

Body: Change to the 15s and knit in the round, increasing every 3rd stitch (at each purl, knit into the back as well as the front of the purl stitch) the 1st row (total now 40 stitches). Knit 16 more rows of 40 stitches.

Top: 1st row, increase every 5 stitches by grabbing between 5th & 6th stitch and twisting to create a new stitch, pushing it onto left needle (for right-handed knitters) and knitting into it. 2nd row, knit all 48 stitches. 3rd row decrease 1 stitch by knitting 2 stitches together every 7th & 8th stitch. Use these 6 decreases as markers to continue decreasing 6 times each row at same point until 6 stitches are left. (When you knit each new row, decrease at the previously-decreased stitch and the stitch before it. This will create a twirly effect and keep stitches tight.) Pull yarn through all 6 stitches, knot, cut. Weave in ends. Check out pics of this versatile, luscious butternut squash of a hat here and watch the video pattern on YouTube when I finally get off my hindquarters and make it…snowboard hat slouchy view side snowboard hat slouchy view back  This sucker’s a beauty. snowboard hat side view snowboard hat butternut squash view snowbboard hat top viewButternut Baby’s a keeper!


Time: There is not enough of it in a day, in a week, or in a lifetime.  What is with the apricots and peaches already showing in the orchards? How can it have been the gestation time of a human baby since I last wrote?! Part of the problem is that I have patterns now in print magazines (check out Creative Knitting Summer ’14 issue for the latest in headbands, though it isn’t out on the racks yet) and these become the property of the publisher so you can’t write about them or show pictures.

Right now, I am finishing up a sweater that is turning out surprisingly well. When I try it on, it looks good enough to skip the sleeves (which I am making anyway and promise myself to have done by the weekend).

Early Spring Sweater Vest

Early Spring Sweater Vest

I am playing with making it a cowl or hoodie and whether it ends up as a sweater or a vest, I will post pics of the finished product next week. Then it will be on to spring projects! Have a great rest of your week!

Knitbane #2: Summer!

Ya, I know you say it actually isn’t summer yet, but when a person gets on her trusty bike and rides for nearly 2 hours in what turns out to be 105 degree heat to pick up her car at the mechanic’s and then heads to the countryside to get away from it all for the weekend and finds it is 107 in the shade, well, one discovers that it is all just semantics, my friend.

Anyhoo, summer weather is a big knitbane since a body wants to be jumping from the tire swing into the old swimming hole rather than sitting in one place for hours, wrassling with prickly wool. Just look what the weather has done to the garden!


has turned into this


It isn’t easy to get back to the needles when we’re up to our elbows in freezing and canning! It is hard to believe how quickly everything around me is growing and changing. I feel like a child behind the gate at the train station, eyes wide, hands grasping the railing, watching all the trains speeding by. Thank goodness none of this is affecting me. At this rate of change, I’d look down and my skin would be wrinkling up as I watched, then tightening against the bone, finally pulling against itself and away from bone as it all falls gently to earth into a pile that turns to dust and blows away with one gentle push from the wind. Like in the movies. So, as I say, lucky it’s not me!

CIMG1327Meanwhile, back on the ranch, or rather the knitting lab, I have been fiddling with banana fiber. Using a pattern I created for a silk ribbon dress, I wanted to see what it would look like out of this crazy stuff. I LOVE THIS THING–oh the stripey differences between skeins, the softness and sheen! But somehow I feel I should have known that the amount I would need to knit it to the floor, which was difficult to hoist as a UPS package when it arrived, might be a wee bit heavy on the shoulders and weigh upon me like the 117 pounds of bananas it came from. It is so Rita Hayworth and yet I have to bite the bullet and unravel about half of it and make it a skirt. Ain’t that just like life!


Okay, I found this in my Edits Bin from late 2012…

Ninja BeardBoy

Ninja BeardBoy

Mistakenly (as usual), I assumed the beardo craze would abate. Instead, I giant-snored myself awake last night at 1:45 AM to find my head lolling, knitting needles and yarn all over the place as Men In Black 3 credits rolled…  and a perfect beardo hat IN MY HANDS! I am telling the truth for once.

Personal fact #16:  I have an alien for a boyfriend and as a diversion from the rigors of daily life, I study the more popular sci-fi flicks to discover, catalog, and practice methods of behavior modification on him. I was doing homework by watching MIB3 again.

Personal fact #221:  The above-mentioned disturbingly observant boyfriend has mentioned more than once that not only can I continue to read aloud after lulling myself to sleep with the soothing tone of my own voice, he’s noticed that I can fall asleep knitting (we all do that!) but then, he says, I KEEP KNITTING.

Somehow, I figured out a quickie beardo hat pattern using Nashua Handknits Cilantro stretch cotton so there is no “Hey! This is too tight!” and “This is too itchy!” It only took a few hours and came out perfect! Guess what everyone (and I mean EVERYONE, Mother!) is getting for Christmas?!?!?!

2/6/2013 update: Oh my. So this is what I get up to in my spare time? The beloved alien and I actually spent the holidays in the Mojave desert, around Death Valley, and had a great lunch in the cafe in Shoshone, population 31. I had three winter sweaters with me and I think I will be able

WInter Sweater Projects

WInter Sweater Projects

to complete all of them before winter is officially over–a first! You heard that the woodchuck didn’t see his shadow for only the 17th time since the practice began, right?! Spring is here!

Knitbane #14: Flipping Through Rowan Yarn Magazines

What is the first thought that flies unbidden into your head when you see the latest from the Rowan Yarns pattern catalog:

Bailey--Rowan Knit Pattern 2012

Bailey–Rowan Knit Pattern 2012

I will place a bet with an unbelievable number of zeroes that  what you thought was not, “Hey! That is exactly what I want the men in my life to look like! I think I’ll make one for each of them for the holidays.”

First of all, that would be the holidays of 2072. Second, the planet that I personally live on would not allow a man sporting a sweater like this to live another twelve hours.

In other news, happy Wednesday morning! It must be a word in a story or poem I come across or hear in conversation or a thought that coalesces and floats through the sky of my mind when listening to music… all of a sudden, an extremely powerful urge comes over me to go to work late and I find myself mixing flour, water, butter, and eggs, frying up some light-as-air beignets to dust with powdered sugar and enjoy with french-pressed Peet’s Arabian mocha java. This lovely morning has been one of those days. Weather is turning and this morning has been cool enough for me to make my first wool hats and gloves in preparation for the deep, dark winter months. Somehow, I thought I would never go back to 100% wool now that I have discovered linen, hemp, bamboo, banana and so many other fibers to play with. But just feast your eyes on this warm color and cable fest:

1st Winter Hats-Gloves

1st Winter Hats-Gloves

Chuchie's Hat

Chuchie’s Hat

And I’m learning to embrace taking time with small stitches and color changes:

Something a little crazy must be in the air, mingling with the sweet scent of crushed fallen leaves. I have no other explanation for why I was enjoying What’s New Pussycat? with Peter Sellers and Peter O’Toole and all those gorgeous old cars the other day and fell into the throes of another extremely powerful urge. This time it was to hack off my hair to just below the ears (with my knitting scissors) in the style of the all the women in the film and then dye it to look just like Peter O’Toole’s, a lovely strawberry blonde. We all know what happened next. And no, I am NOT going to show you what it looks like. It’s rather like how you see the art you want to make in your head and then look at what you did. I KNEW which brand and color to use, but this other one was on sale. Really!!! Isn’t there some federal department that checks these companies’ products? This isn’t even a HUMAN hair color!

Next week: Hats for the Modern Bald Woman

KNITBANE # 18.5: When Ball Gowns Attack, or, Knitting Can Take FOREVER!!!

Knit Dress Front

Try knitting an evening gown. Or whatever this slow-growing monster turns out to be:

On a whim, I purchased this Noro 100% silk loopy ladder ribbon yarn without checking the price. I would not have bought it had I known, but family had come to get me and I rushed myself out the door, clutching this luscious dream. You know how hard it is to rip yourself from a yarn shop—it must be how a sea urchin at low tide feels when a grubby-pawed child grabs it in delight. It hurts!

Since then, I’ve added Cascade Fixation stretchy cotton for the straps for instant perfect fit and bought two more skeins of silk and hope that I won’t need more. I want this dress to touch dirt with high heels on. We’ll see, as with all my projects…

Orchid Sidebar: Got an unexpected second bloom out of a plant I thought was dead!

Orchid flower from the dead

The skirt is an example of my latest passion, the apron style that’ll fit whether I gain or lose 10 lbs. The yarn is all Habu Textiles cotton and linen for a sleeveless tank top, I think. Once the top is finished, I will wear the two pieces together and start making a new wardrobe for myself.

Here’s the last thing I have been working on, the wrap dress with both sewing and crochet involved. It still needs a bit of work. Boy have I got a lot to do :)TTYL!